A to-do list for Designers

“Some people cannot really take their own advice but insist on giving it”, I would like to believe I am not one of them. To put words into practice is daunting task however simple they are but it really becomes possible if devotion is accompanied by collaborative team effort. The following article unravels a step-by-step approach to how to improve the entire design experience.


Some Amazing Insights!

My search for content that inspires and motivates carries on, this journey has led to the exploration of another fine online resource with clever insights touching upon almost all subjects relevant to Design. A lot more academic than commercial in nature this website is a unique blend of instructional material that is oriented towards product development at the place of work. Find out more by clicking the following link…..


A great online resource

I have been on the lookout for design inspiration, I needed a reservoir of collection of great branding and design collection; and if all of it can be found in one place it’s a relief for many years ahead. Initially, I had some hiccups, because I would not initiate the google search like many of us almost always do, however, following my quest I finally stumbled upon this great resource which happens to be a collection of inspiration, insight as well as a roadmap for skill development. The following online resource promises an experience like never before for all aspiring creatives and artists alike:


Non-Stop (2014) – Film Review — Joe Baker – Film Reviews

Although ‘Non-Stop’ has been heavily overshadowed by a number of other films within the thriller genre, being mostly forgotten amongst the strew of critically-acclaimed films that released in 2014. I personally feel this high-altitude thriller is one of the better stories set within the confines of an aircraft, utilising Liam Neeson’s action expertise to craft […]

Non-Stop (2014) – Film Review — Joe Baker – Film Reviews